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Product Description:

Believe me I was very skeptical at first – I was sure it would be burned to a crisp in no time. I soon found out they are a fiberglass mat coated with PTFE (“Teflon”) material – same as what is used on your nonstick frying pans. I quickly discovered that all mats are not created equal. They are made at many different thicknesses and the percentage of “Teflon” varies greatly. After receiving samples I dropped one of the better quality mats on my grill and I soon was reading 350 F on my temp gage. I laid the oil dripping, marinated chicken on the mat and it immediately they started to sizzle! I soon noticed the marinade was staying puddled around the chicken and there were no flare ups from the oils dripping down to the burners – Nice! Later I started to turn the chicken and it slid across the mat. With a grill full of golden brown chicken staring up at me I brushed on another generous coat of marinade. I then loaded on a bowl of fresh mini sweet peppers covered in Italian dressing on the other half of the grill. As the peppers continued to sizzle in the puddles of dressing I started to turn them discovering distinctive grill marks doted throughout – Gorgeous! Nothing stuck to the mat as I removed the perfectly cooked food of the grill and immediately turned off the burners as there was nothing to “cook” off the grill grates – I refuse to admit the number of times we forgot to go back and turn of the grill, sometimes emptying the tank. Proudly I set the food on the table and we enjoyed a great meal. After dinner I went back out to the grill and lifted the mat full of caked on burnt sauce – WOW, the grill grates had nothing to clean. I took the mat to the kitchen sink and with a few wipes with the dish cloth and warm soapy water the mat easily cleaned right off and was ready for the next use. Needless to say the grill mat far exceeded my expectations.Non-Stick “griddle like” surface allows you to expand your grilling menu for foods that would normally fall through the grids while still allowing the heat to transfer through leaving your grill marks. Holds the sauces and marinades with the food for better flavors while preventing the oils from dripping down and causing annoying flare-ups!
Heavier coating to provide greater durability for years of use. Helps your grill last longer by keeping the grates cleaner and preventing all the deteriorating food particles from dropping onto your burners. Also protects your food from those nasty park grills and great for cooking your whole meal while camping.
Easy clean up – no grill brush needed. Easily wipe off caked on residue with warm soapy water, also dishwasher safe. Cut to size for use on gas, charcoal, electric grills or any pan. Can be used for many applications. Great gift idea!
Perfect for baking – use on the bottom rack of your oven to catch all the boil over drippings and eliminate those dreaded oven cleanings. Use as a liner on your baking sheet to help the bake goods easily slide off the tray.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee – If you are not happy with the product we will refund your money! Go ahead, create your new cooking menu ideas with fish, shrimp, vegetables, fruits, eggs, home fries, pancakes or even try pizza!
