[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMLa0dFpStw&w=580&h=385]
Here we show you Smoke Daddy’s way of smoking a corned beef resulting in a mock pastrami. Using the Pellet Pro® Pellet grill along with our Exclusive PID Controller, it maintained the temperature within 5°F of the set point even in the cold snowy Illinois weather. For more information on the Pellet Pro® Pellet Grill and PID Controller (which can be used as an upgrade to an existing pellet grill) visit our website at www.smokedaddyinc.com or give us a call at (847) 336-1329. “Thanks for lookin’, go start cookin’!” -S.D.
Smoking a Corned Beef on the Pellet Pro® Pellet Grill – Smoke Daddy Style