[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajJkp1Fb4OU&w=580&h=385]
You got a little kid you gotta feed …but you want to cook on your grill? … NO problem … TSGP shows you how to take a simple Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich and grill it to perfection …is it good you say? What do you think… you can trust the opinions of some “innocent bystanders” who get to taste this treat and comment live on the video …and then …. for even more fun …. the SmokinGP Dude makes it even better by adding ……wait for it ….. BACON!!! All grilled on a cast iron skillet on a great Mak Pellet Grill .. live in front of our store…. stop in sometime to check out this grill or any of the products you see. While you’re there you can find out if the SGP is sane. And don’t forget to go to our website at www.TastyLicksBBQ.com and BUY SOMETHING !!!
GRILLED PB&J ‘s on a MAK PELLET GRILL by TastyLicksBBQ and the SmokinGuitarPlayer