[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6cCM2AhkSA&w=580&h=385]

Today I’ll show you how to smoke Beef Ribs on the Old Smokey Grill and a Gas Grill. Start by removing the membranes from the beef ribs (this is much easier than pork ribs).

Next, season both sides of the beef ribs with your favorite beef seasoning. I used Oakridge BBQ Black OPs Brisket Rub. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator overnight.

• Beef Ribs
• Black Ops Brisket Rub, available here: http://armadillopepper.com/Oakridge-BBQ-Signature-Edition-Black-OPS-Brisket-Rub-BBQRUB-ORBO.htm

The next day, organize the charcoal using the snake method in the Old Smokey. If you are using a Gas Grill, set it up for indirect 2-zone cooking.

For the smoking wood, I used Mulberry in the Old Smokey. It offers a blackberry flavor. For the gas grill, I used a combination of cherry and oak. Pick one of your favorites.

Smoking wood was provided courtesy of Gourmet Smoking Woods. More about Gourmet Smoking Woods Mulberry and Oak/Cherry blend smoking wood is available at: https://www.firesavage.com/collections/wood-chips-chunks-pellets

Cook the ribs over indirect heat in both the Old Smokey and Gas Grill. Add wood as necessary. For the Old Smokey, I used Mulberry wood chunks and those needed refreshing after 2 hours. For the gas grill, I used wood chips and those had to be refreshed every 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Cook until the ribs reach about 200 degrees F. A better method of checking for doneness is to stick the ribs with your portable thermometer probe and it should go right in and out without resistance. My total cook time on the Old Smokey was approximately 4 hours. The temperature ran a bit high for the cook, closer to 300 degrees F.

For the gas grill, the ribs took closer to 5 hours, but the grill temperature was closer to 230 degrees F.

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Please watch: “Sous Vide Coffee-Rubbed Ribeye with Anova Precision Cooker”

