[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6i2nEQQA2Q&w=580&h=385]

Nutella Bread Recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eHPkpCGdEY

Watch more How to BBQ videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/500287-5-Essential-Barbecue-Equipment-Pieces-BBQ

A: Today we’re going to share with you fives essential pieces of BBQ equipment. There are literally thousands and thousands of BBQ gadgets out there, but if you have these five pieces of equipment, you’re going to be able to impress the neighborhood with some of the greatest BBQ they’ve ever had.

First, and probably most important, is a really good smoker or grill. You can spend a 100 dollars. You can spend thousands of dollars. We recommend these really, really, good intro grills, that we even use to this day, the Weber Kettle as a grill and the Weber Smokey Mountain. Each each can be had for 100 to 300 dollars.

B: Of course, you need to be able to light those smoker and grills, so the next important tool is a good charcoal chimney. Great thing about these is it doesn’t take gas or lighter fluid to get them started, and your coals are ready in about 15 minutes.

Now, you can’t tell if your food is really done unless you have a good thermometer for meat and for pork. It’s important to have a good thermometer. Our favorite is a Thermapen. It’s the best that’s out there.

A: And you’ve got to have something to cut that great meat that you’ve just cooked. We recommend two knives. One, a boning knife, which is really important in the early stages of the process. You can trim the meat, get all of the fat and the bones and the cartilage and gristle off, that you don’t want to cook. Two, a really nice slicing knife. A knife that’s going to allow you to trim those pieces of brisket and the ribs and really show a nice presentation.

Like we said, there are thousands of gadgets out there in the world of BBQ. Bret and I have two or three garage-fulls of them right now, but these are the five that we’re always using. If you’ve got these in your arsenal, you’re going to be able to produce some awesome, awesome BBQ. Go out there. Get the fire started, and get smoking.
