[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZaWmtiiihw&w=580&h=385]
Let me say that this is the finest grill we have ever owned.
It is packed with features that I haven’t even thought of in pellets grills or any grill as far as that goes.
The “ITC” Intelligent Temperature Control is cool. Comes with a meat probe and you can set your temp so that when you hit it you can either hold it there or drop down to a holding temp. I haven’t used it yet.
It shows grill, meat, set and the actual temp.
There’s a pellet primer that is really slick. You hit that before you open it and it helps with a quicker recovery.
Then, a direct SEAR plate you can insert for searing.
Temp range 180 — 700.
We are having lots of fun doing everything we can think of to give this grill a good workout.
This is the ultimate Grill for any Pellethead…
Our 1st. Cook on the Memphis Wood Fired Grill