[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owkc2en8LwA&w=580&h=385]

How to Fry a Chicken in the Big Easy Oil-Less Fryer. Today we will show you how to fry a whole chicken in the Big Easy Oil-Less Fryer. There are just 3 simple steps for this recipe: 1) brine the chicken for moisture, 2) inject with the Herb and Honey Wine mixture for flavor and moisture and 3) cook in the oil-less fryer.

Follow the steps in this recipe and you will end up with a perfectly cooked chicken in the Big Easy Oil-Less Fryer every time.

Brine Ingredients
• 2 tablespoons Kosher salt
• 2 teaspoons baking powder

Herb & Wine Injection Ingredients
• ½ cup Honey Wine (Mead). You can substitute white wine
• 1 stick salted butter
• 1 teaspoon sage
• 1 teaspoon rosemary
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon ground ginger
• ½ teaspoon red pepper
• ½ teaspoon paprika
• Everglades Fish and Chicken Seasoning (to taste), more info: https://www.armadillopepper.com/products/everglades-seasoning-fish-chicken

Protein Ingredients
• 4 lb whole chicken

Recipe Instructions
Start by removing the insides of the chicken and rinsing. For this chicken we are going to use a dry brine. To make the brine, mix the Kosher salt and baking powder. The salt will act as the brine and the baking powder will help crisp the skin when cooked. Sprinkle the Everglades chicken seasoning over the chicken.

Place the chicken on a wire rack on a baking pan in the refrigerator overnight. You want air to be able to get to all sides of the chicken.

The next day, melt the butter in a pan over medium high heat. Add the wine and stir well. Mix in all the dry ingredients and simmer for about 15 minutes. This will allow all of the flavors to blend well.

Remove the mixture from the heat and strain. Straining prevents the herbs from clogging your injection needle.

While the injection mixture is cooling, remove the chicken from the refrigerator and sprinkle (to taste) with some more of the Everglades chicken seasoning.

Tie the chicken legs together with kitchen twine. This step is optional, but makes it easier getting the chicken out of the Big Easy Oil-Less Fryer basket.

Start the Big Easy Oil-less Fryer with the gas knob fully open.

Next, inject the chicken. At a 45 degree angle, inject the chicken about every one to two inches. Be sure to get the breasts injected. The legs are optional as dark meat tends to stay juicier during the cook.

Put the chicken in the Big Easy basket with the breast side up. Do not use the Big Easy lid. The cook time will vary depending on your specific cooker and the outside air temperature. This cook took 1 hour and 10 minutes. I recommend you take a temperature check at 40 to 50 minutes. Then, you will get an idea of the remaining cook time needed.

Cook the chicken until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees F. Remove from the Big Easy Oil-Less Fryer and let rest for 15 minutes (let the basket cool down a bit). Use caution removing the chicken from the basket. It is hot!

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