[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nlCvLu6RdY&w=580&h=385]

This was my first ever smoked pig. The pig was 40 lbs.

I picked up the 40 lb pig for this smoke.
I butterflied her from neck to groin
Injected approx 72 oz of Mojo Criollo liquid to the pig. (See recipe below)
I injected the night before, then gave a generous sprinkling of rub.
I decided to cook the pig breast side up, to keep all the drippings contained, and not drip into the pale.
Ms. Piggy went on the smoker at 8:15 am at 225 for 12 hrs (195F IT).
Anyone planning on doing a pig, plan on at least 12 hrs, and if it’s done sooner, that is OK.

Wood used: 3 lbs. cherry, 4 lbs. hickory, then 3 lbs oak for the final hrs of cooking.

After resting for 30 minutes, it was time to shred and slice the meat. I did not mix all the meat together, I served the meat separate to the guests could sample each, and compare the flavors and textures.

Mojo Criollo – La Caja China Marinating Sauce

1 cup sour orange juice **
1 tablespoon oregano
1 garlic bulb
2 teaspoon cumin
3 teaspoon salt
4 oz. of water
4 oz. of pineaple juice

** You can replace the sour orange juice with the following,

6 oz. orange juice
2 oz. lemon juice

Peel and mash the garlic cloves. Mix all the ingredients and let it sit for a minimum of one hour.

Standard Brine

1/2 gal. Water
13 oz. Table Salt

Caja China Brine

1 part Mojo Criollo
3 part std. Brine

Blend all ingredients and let it sit for a minimum of one hour, strain and inject. We recommend marinating the pig overnight.

After injecting the pig with the Caja China Brine, apply a salt rub all over the pig, we highly recommend using Kosher Salt or Sea Salt.

Multiply the Mojo Criollo recipe by 4, this will give you enough to marinate the whole pig and to keep extra to use as a dipping sauce. Mix the dripping of the pig and mojo, mix ½ and ½ to create amazing gravy to pour over the meat.

Instructions for injecting the Mojo

Strain the Mojo dump the solids from the strainer in to the rib cage, inject the liquid in to the meat using the syringe, inject 5 to 6 full shots on each jam (rear leg) and 4 to 5 on the shoulders. Apply salt and adobo all over the pig (salt rub) using your hand. This is best if done the night before.
