[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5X0jYGp6TM&w=580&h=385]

An EPIC Fail and a Win, but enough talk, let’s smoke a pizza! Actually, at these temps there is very little smoke, but we’ll get enough of the smoke taste to make it worth the while.

We started with two Papa Murphy’s Take & Bake pizzas, which were purchased a day in advance. Personally, I like a little bit of a yeasty taste and on the day that they make them they just don’t have quite enough “funk” for my taste. By popular demand of the grandkids, we purchased one large cheese and one large pepperoni pizza. These are 14″ pizzas that can feed 3 people each. The “Family” size pizza is 16″, and while I was tempted to go along with the “IF some is good. more is better” crowd I opted for the oxymoronic smaller “large”.

From there several things conspired against me: It was cool and windy, I forgot to preheat the MASSIVE “pizza stone” and I didn’t pull the pizzas out of the fridge soon enough!

Because of the cold air and the high winds, I whipped out my Harbor Freight fiberglass welding blanket: Chicago Welding, Item#67833. It is amazing that it was touching a grill that was boarding on 400 degrees and yet it was only warm to the touch as I removed it each time. That is until the one time that I grabbed it by one of the steel grommets. Perhaps one day that moment will make it into a blooper reel!

#PapaMurphys #TakeAndBake #TakeNBake #Pizza #CampChef #SmokePro #PelletGrill #PelletSmoker #SmokedPizza #GrilledPizza #Fail #Win #Win/Fail #Fail/Win
