[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9D6oBzgcZ0&w=580&h=385]

This Reverse Seared Steak was cooked on my Camp Chef Woodwind Pellet Grill. The thing that made this Reverse Seared Steak better than cooking it on a “normal” pellet grill was that I was able to Sear the Steak off using the Side Sear Box that is available on the Camp Chef Woodwind Pellet Grill. Reverse Searing is definitely the best way to Cook A Steak in my opinion, whether you are cooking on a Charcoal Grill, Pellet Grill, or even in the oven.

How I Reverse Seared This N.Y. Strip Steak on the Camp Chef Woodwind:
* I seasoned the Steak with Salt and Pepper and let it rest for about
30 minutes.
* After the Steak Rested for 30 minutes I put them in them in the
smoker on 225 degrees.
* When they hit 114 degrees internal temperature I removed them
from the grill and let them rest while the sear box came up to
* When the Camp Chef Side Sear box was screaming hot I grilled
them for a about 45 seconds, then turned 90 degrees and grilled
another 45 seconds, then flipped again and repeated.
****This is something that you need to play by ear. The timing may be different each time you cook a steak******
* After The Steak was Seared I let it rest for about 15 minutes before cutting into it.

Here is a helpful guide to help you get your desired Steak

Temperatures for Steak:
Rare 130 to 135°F
Medium Rare 140 to 145°F
Well Done 165°F “NOOOOOOOO”

Check Out The Camp Chef Woodwind Here: https://www.campchef.com/woodwind/woodwind-grills.html

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/K9D6oBzgcZ0
Reversed Seared NY Strip
