[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0-IkaN0jyA&w=580&h=385]

Smoked Sausage and Beer on the Green Mountain Grill

1.Take any sausage you like and start your smoker at 150˚ put them on.
2. Go inside and cut up your veggies. Garlic, Onion, Green peppers, I like the yellow onions for this…they tend to be sweeter when they are carmelized.

3. Cook them down into a pan with butter and salt, pepper.

4. once translucent then put them into a pan that can go on the smoker. Add beer! now its ready for the smoker.

5. once you get the veggies on the smoker turn up the heat to 225˚

6. check every 30 mins turning and switching them around to get even color

7. when they get the color you like, take them off and drop them off in the pool of beer.

8. I like to let them swim for awhile but if you have a hungry family dish them up!!

Here are some of the things on Amazon that I use.

Camera/iphone 6s-

edited on/iMac-

Meat Prob/Alpha Griller-


Pellets/cooking pellets-


Coal starter/Weber-

