[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14di-41CI3I&w=580&h=385]

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http://www.cavetools.com An oven will cook a turkey. A grill will roast it with flavor and character. Once you’ve taken your turkey out of the oven and put it on your grill, you won’t go back to the oven. Whether put on a cooking grate or spun on a rotisserie, the grill will add a wonderful,smoky flavor and turn the skin into a deliciously crispy covering for moist and tender meat. Get more grilling tips and tricks from http://www.cavetools.com

Besides not being dried out and having a wonderful hint of smoke flavor, the biggest advantage of grilling a turkey is it frees up your oven for all those other side dishes so important at every Thanksgiving meal. Whether you are grilling or roasting a turkey, the trick is to cook the dark meat to a minimum of 170 degrees F without drying out the breast meat. Easier said than done. Traditionally when cooking a bird in the oven, I use all sorts of tricks to prevent this from happening including basting, covering the breast with tin foil, or putting a layer of fat on top of the breast (bard).

Clean turkey well, removing any bits of pin feathers and cleaning the cavity of any remaining pieces of innards. Pat dry with paper towels. Secure legs with twine or a clip (optional). Preheat barbecue grill. Instead of using a roasting pan, it is easier to use a homemade pan from extra heavy duty foil(using three layers of aluminum foil and making it just big enough to hold the bird – the sides need to be about
Place the turkey crosswise on the gas or charcoal grill so that the pan is evenly distributed over the two sets of jets. Set the flame so that a temperature of 300 to 325 degrees F. is maintained (usually the lowest setting). Cover with heavy duty aluminum foil for the majority of the cooking time. Estimated cooking time is approximately 20 minutes per pound at 300 degrees F.
Remove the aluminum foil for the last hour of cooking. Every once in while, baste the turkey with the juices. Toward the end of the cooking time, open the grill and insert the meat thermometer into the fleshy part of the thigh and cook until the internal temperature reaches 165° F. In the absence of a meat thermometer, pierce the turkey with a fork in several places; juices should be clear with no trace of pink. NOTE: The old-fashioned way of wiggling the leg to see if it’s loose will give you an indication that the turkey is ready, but unfortunately, by the time the leg is truly loose, the turkey is sadly overcooked. The only reliable test for doneness is to check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer in the thickest part of the thigh, without touching the bone.
