[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8qIF_XHcKg&w=580&h=385]
I answer viewer questions in this Q&A Thursday Chat Vlog.
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1:40 What do you do with your beard to get it to lay flat and not so out of control?
5:13 What’s the best way to store a Yoder offset outdoors?
8:10 Every New year’s day I make pork n sauerkraut in the crockpot, but maybe this year I’ll smoke the pork butt, then put it in the crockpot to finish. Would that be too weird to try?
11:08 I have heard some talk about pellet grills not giving enough smoke? Have you heard of this? I am looking at a yoder YS640 pellet grill. I would like to know your thoughts?
13:17 Have you ever heard of using Tri-tip to make a faux brisket?
17:07 On the initial season of my new Loaded Witchita it was wiped down with what seems like paper towels and there is an awful mess of fuzzy garbage and it will not wipe off. Do you know of a fix for cleaning this stuff off my Witchita?
18:39 Curious as to what you think of electric smokers and if you have any do’s or don’t for using one.
20:57 Would you ever bake a BBQ apple pie on the weber performer?
21:21 Are you trying to give Santa the day off this year with all that beard?
22:41 What are your ideal times to inject and season your food prior to putting them on the cooker?
25:07 Which would you recommend, the 18 or 22 inch WSM?
27:06 Do you wash and reuse your foil pans?
27:39 Now that I have a Weber Kettle and Slow N Sear, any tips on grilling some venison burgers?
30:33 How long can I let meat rest in the cooler?
32:53 Have you ever smoked meatloaf? If so do you have any tips?
34:19 Have you ever had a WSM boil off all of the water? I recently had this happen. Learned very quickly that it was a bad deal.
36:23 If I have the clear blue smoke, my temps spike so I throttle the intake vents back which creates a lot of smoke. What am doing wrong?
40:12 What’s the best way to start a grilling and BBQ channel on YouTube?
44:30 What are you going to cook for X-mas dinner this year?
45:19 What’s the difference between the thermo works pen and the pop?
47:45 How long does it take to season green wood indoors?
49:12 Ever thought about kettle pizza insert?
50:03 Just curious, if you ever decide to trim your beard, would you consider letting Booger and Keith Bettag trim it up for you?
51:46 I am planning to bbq a whole duck for christmas. how would you season it and what temp on the kettle?
53:48 Do you have any tips/suggestions for cooking beef tenderloin?
57:12 By you having a WSM and a PBC, which do you prefer and what differences in flavor do you taste?
58:33 Do you have any tricks and tips for keeping Bratwurst Juicy Moosey?
1:00:03 What is your favourite German beer to drink when you are working the grill amigo?
Watch Keith Bettag get his beard trimmed by Booger:
YouTube Channels Mentioned:
The Root Boy Cooks
Lasse’s Food and Barbecue
qwesthunter at R shack BBQ
Christy’s Cooking Channel
In For The Grill
Keith Bettag (The Vulgar Chef)
Amazon Store for T-ROY COOKS
ThermoWorks Affiliate Links:
Smoke – http://www.thermoworks.com/Smoke?tw=TROYCOOKS
Thermapen Mk4 – http://www.thermoworks.com/Thermapen-Mk4?tw=TROYCOOKS
Thermopop – http://www.thermoworks.com/ThermoPop?tw=TROYCOOKS
Dot – http://www.thermoworks.com/DOT?tw=TROYCOOKS
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