[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFkowBgeIn4&w=580&h=385]

It’s starting to cool down and that means it’s time to light up the fireplace or that camping fire. But what is the best way to start it if you don’t want to spend money on chemicals and starter logs? Rest assured, we got you covered.

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Full List of Starters:

1. Pour melted crayon on Cotton balls.
First, we’re gonna make a wax and cotton starter. Now we didn’t have any candle wax on hand but we had a bunch of crayons and they work just as good. Peel off the labels and toss a bunch of crayons into a metal can you don’t care too much about. Boil up some water in a big pot and place the smaller tin inside. This is the double broiler method which will prevent the wax from burning. After a few minutes the wax will melt down. Now just grab some cotton balls and slowly dip them directly into the wax and place them on a sheet of wax paper to dry. Once dried they are ready to go. Simply place them where needed and fire up the cotton. They’re gonna burn long and strong lighting any wood you might have on top.

2. Stuff a toilet roll full of dryer lint then wrap in paper.
Now if the wax method is too intensive, try this. Grab a used empty paper roll and go to your dryer and empty that lint trap. Wrap the lint inside a dryer sheet and stuff it directly into the empty tube. Leave a little bit sticking out so you can easily ignite it. Once it’s assembled it’s ready to be set ablaze and get your fire going nice and strong. You can even blow on it a bit to really spark things up.3. Pringles Hot and

3. Spicy Fire starter
Really need to get something to work in a pinch? Look no further than your pantry. Grab yourself some greasy chips and simply lay them out under the area you need to catch fire. It’s really that simple, just light the edge of the chip and they will burn long enough to get something kicking. If they burn out too quickly just add more to the pile. Don’t forget to save some for snacking by the fire.

4. Orange Peel
Let’s utilize our kitchen again and grab a couple oranges and a knife. Simply peel the orange leaving all the small pieces together. Make sure to get is little juice as possible here. After you have the peels, put them out to dry for a few hours. Once dry, these peels will allow you to start up a fire quick and easy. Just pile em up and ignite. You may have to hold the lighter in place long enough to ignite the citrus oils inside, but the results are pretty cool.

5. Egg Carton Lint and vaseline
Now let’s get a bit greasy but with a huge impact. You need petroleum jelly, lint and an egg carton. If you didn’t already; go raid your left over dryer lint and hit your recycling bin to snatch an egg carton. Now separate the carton into sections and fill each one with a generous scoop of petroleum jelly. Work the lint into each crevice mixing it up well with the jelly. That’s it. Clean off your hands and your fire starters are good to go. As you can see they go up quickly and burn strong and last a long time, in fact probably the longest of all of these.

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