[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0xSTgjigw4&w=580&h=385]

Pit Boss Pellet Grill,Click Here :http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FGPTXLG?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B00FGPTXLG&linkCode=xm2&tag=knifesetrevie-20

Pit boss wood pellet grills make it easy to prepare and serve the finest in wood-fired gourmet goodness. Using 100% all natural cooking-grade wood barbecue pellets for fuel, no gas, propane or charcoal is needed! turn a simple dial to start the grill and you can sear a steak, bake pizza or cookies, smoke jerky, ribs or brisket, all with natural flavored wood pellets. With a dynamic range of cooking temperature from 180 degree to 500 Degree, you have complete control with the turn of a dial. The digital control board, along with the oven-like meat probe, result in precise cooking control. Fan forced convection cooking seals in meat juices and eliminates the need for a rotisserie. Offering 820 square Inch of cooking surfaces the pit boss 820 has plenty of room cook a wide variety of food with the amazing flavor offered by 100% natural wood pellets.https://youtu.be/C0xSTgjigw4

Pit Boss Pellet Grill
