[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aR35Mt5oJ4&w=580&h=385]

This video is to show you How To Brine and Smoke A Turkey. This Smoked Turkey was Brined for 12 Hours (per instructions on Brine package) before going on my Pellet Smoker. While I used my Camp Chef Woodwind, any BBQ Smoker or Grill that can cook around 400 degrees will do for this technique. I used a commercial Turkey Brine for the first time. It was pretty good, but I prefer my Homemade Turkey Brine a bit more. The Brine used in this video was a lot more savory than the sweeter Brine I make on my own.

The Technique that I used to Smoke This Turkey:
Once the Turkey was Brined and Seasoned, I put it on the smoker on High Heat, which is around 240ish degrees on this smoker for 45 minutes.
After 45 minutes I turned the smoker up to 400 degrees and cooked until it was around 170 degrees internal temperature.
Once the Turkey reached 170 degrees internal temperature I took it off of the Grill / Smoker and let it rest for 20 minutes.
The benefit to Smoking, or Cooking A Turkey at high temperatures is that the Turkey is cooking so fast that it doesn’t have a chance to dry out.

My Other Turkey Videos:
Roasted Turkey Recipes

Smoked Turkey Recipes

How To Cook Turkey On A grill

Cured Turkey Breast Recipe:

Information On the Camp Chef Woodwind:

The Turkey Brine Kit Used: http://amzn.to/2zCe8d9

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/_aR35Mt5oJ4
Smoked Turkey Recipe on the Camp Chef Woodwind

Disclaimer: This video and description contains amazon affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I potentially can receive a small commission.
